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Tuesday, March 9, 2010


A few days ago our Bishop came to speak at our local church known as CTK. In his talk he mentioned same-sex member and deferred us to a group known as Courage. With a helpful Google search I found out about this ''group". What was thought to be a support group to have us live with being Catholic and being gay. NO! WRONG! It is a conversion group. A group dedicated to making me and fellow LGBT community member either straight or celibate for life. Its mission as it stated was to show the holy aspect of being celibate if you are a same-sex attracted individual. They won't even us the words gay or lesbian, because that makes it final. What hurts even worse is that a friend referred me to this group. A friend I had confided in. A friend that said he was supportive and I could always come to him for help. He told me about this group and was ecstatic that there was a group for me. I won't be afraid to admit it, I cried. I was told by a 'close' friend that I am wrong. I am a deformity on this Earth.
I refuse to believe this. “the eyes of your heart be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” (Ephesians 1:18, 19) This doesn't say anywhere in it, 'only the straights'. We are all loved by God. He does not make mistakes and he made us. I won't deny what God meant me to be.

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