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Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I realized how lucky today I am to have friends in every aspect of my college career. I have friends I met my first day on campus, friends from work, friends from church and friends from being involved on my campus.
My friends from my first day on campus will always remain some of my best ones. I have confided in them when I need to and they have lifted me up on days when I needed them. My friends from church have carried me when I was low and I have carried them when they were as low as I was. This is what I wish the world could be like all the time and everywhere. I have never felt this way when I am alone.
You know that feeling where everything feels right? Where you don't have to worry about tomorrow or yesterday? Where you feel safe and know you are doing the best you can. There is a word for that feeling. It's called love. L-O-V-E

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